A day late on the update.
This week has been full of adventures for the girls as they get to spend time with Aunt Maureen while she is here to visit. With today being Caroline's Birthday they took a trip down to the Toledo zoo while I was at work. I look forward to hearing all about it when they get home. I'm sad I missed it, especially their trip to Mr Freeze...
This past round of treatment was a rough one. I feel like the side effects are building each infusion. At this point in the cycle I'm just starting to feel close to normal besides the persistent neuropathy in my hands and feet. Imagine that feeling when your sock bunches up under your toes, now that's how my feet feel pretty much all the time with some added numbness and tingling. My fingertips have gotten pretty numb and things like typing and picking up small items is generally more difficult.
I am hopeful that I won't have to do many more rounds of chemo and that we find a donor match soon! Once we have a match the transplant team would like to see me off chemo for about 6 weeks prior to the surgery, and honestly 6 weeks off chemo sounds like heaven itself.
Until then we will keep with the treatments as-is and when I write the next update it will be my 20th infusion. My oncologist has said that he's had a few patients do as many as 22 infusions of Folfoxiri, so I think I might be able to put up with a few more. I'll have a CT scan on Monday to check in on everything and make sure nothing new has popped up. Fingers crossed for more clear scans else we will likely get booted from the transplant path and have to start considering other lines of treatment. All signs point to them being clear though :)